Showing posts with label The Cost of Running. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Cost of Running. Show all posts

Monday, January 14, 2013

Week Ending Jan 13

Mon - AM: 6.5 miles (1,000') easy w/hill pick-up. Milner Mtn loop. Still jetlagged, I was up and at 'em early again this morning. Did a quick Milner loop, pushing the 500 foot hill from Redstone to Overhill at marathon-type effort. Felt really smooth.
Noon: 7.5 miles (1,800') easy. Horsetooth north summit via north gap. First summit of the new year. Went nice and easy enjoying a beautifully crisp and clear day. Packed snow most of the way, with good sections of dirt on south/west facing slopes. A little labored, but to be expected given that this was my first climb (at altitude or otherwise) in over three weeks. Felt great to get my hands back on some rock in getting up the north gap.

Tues - AM: 9 miles of intervals. First real speed session since Thanksgiving, which went surprisingly well. Workout was 4 x City Park mile (2 or 3 50ft hills per mile, depending on direction) with quarter mile jog plus additional minute or two standing rest between miles. Mile one and four were steady, miles two and three fartlek (hard, medium, hard, medium, hard on the five segments that make up the mile loop). Opened the first mile at a pretty casual effort, picking it up a bit towards the end. Fartleks I tried to really work the hard segments and recover on the mediums. The one thing I feel that I need to improve the most in my running is my leg turnover. I've just never been that fast - same story in my rugby days - so I'll be looking to really work that with form and shorter distance rep workouts (100, 200, 400) through the winter and early spring for a go at a 5k PR some time in March/April. Last mile was a bit of a slog, but I was just about able to hold form. Overall, I felt surprisingly good aerobically, if a little labored in the leg department. Reps went: 5:33 (5:22), 5:20 (5:26), 5:31 (5:24), 5:18 (5:24) (mile 1 & 3 was the 3-hill direction which is slightly over a mile (~ 1.02), and 2 & 4 the 2-hill direction @ just under a mile (.98)).  

Weds - Noon: 7 miles (1,800') easy. Horsetooth north summit via Southridge/Audra & north gap. Beautiful out again. Felt a little sluggish from Tuesday workout, so kept things super easy. 

Thurs - AM: 10 mile (1,400') hilly tempo w/ Mike, Mary, Celeste, Pete and Slush. Out and back on Centennial from Maxwell to the 5 mile mark of the Horsetooth Half course. In an attempt to avoid racing the return five miles and keep this to a legitimate tempo effort, I ran this one as a progression run with a goal of running the last four miles at an effort somewhere between 10k and half marathon, with a build from the two mile to the five mile point from 50k to Marathon to HM effort. With no HR monitor, it is quite hard to regulate perceived effort on a hilly course, but I felt like I was able to run in the zones I was after without crossing the line too much; I might have run the hills a little too hard at times. Nonetheless, I think this was a more beneficial workout than jogging for five and them hammering for five. Tuesday is for the 5k-5 mile efforts, so it is key to keep Thursdays disciplined, and discipline is my mantra for the 2013 running year. This was a good start. Miles 6-9 were approx: 7:45 (up north dam hill), 6:45, 6:30, 5:50, which is 20-30 seconds  per mile slower than I typically run that stretch at 10k (ish) effort.

Fri - Noon: 5 miles (1,000') easy. Falls loop.

Sat - AM: 16.5 miles (4,500') easy. Hopped a ride with Burch out to Captain Corey's house just outside the north entrance to Lory Sate Park and ran Timber for an Arthur's summit, then down the rock trail to the Arthurs TH; a full Mill Creek ascent to the top of Towers, secret trail to Horsetooth's west ridge and then up for a north H'tooth summit. Left Corey and Ryan at Wathan and ran home on Southridge. Couple of inches of snow underfoot over top of some ice in places. Reasonably easy effort, but still felt a bit labored. Work to do in the hills. Super cold out.

Sun - AM: 15 miles (2,200') easy. With Pete at Bobcat Ridge on another super cold morning. Waited until 11:00 to get out in hopes things might warm up, but nah, another single digit run. Pooped out on a planned Powerline climb after doing the Ginny - DR loop, and jogged around on the valley trails for a while instead. Kinda disappointing. I'll blame the cold.

Total: 76.5 miles (13,700')

This felt like my first real week back in training. With two workouts and a couple longer weekend runs, my body can definitely tell that we're not just jogging around anymore. It's going to take a couple more weeks to really get into the swing of things again, accept the leg fatigue, the niggles, the creaks, and then you just get in a rhythm and before you know it you're running in shorts and a T again.

So, I have dubbed 2013 the year of discipline. Discipline in keeping mileage sane early in the year, discipline in holding the heavy mileage when the time comes in April and May, discipline in holding appropriate paces during key workouts, discipline in the ice cream isle at the grocery store, discipline in taking rest seriously and sticking with the plan. Last March I ran 500 miles with 450 mile months on either side and then kind of pooped out in May. This year, I want a much more controlled ramp of mileage for a properly timed peak in June. In addition, I hope to make use of the lower early season mileage by really focusing on breaking through on the speed side of the equation. I gauge this at the 5k distance primarily, as it's the most convenient race distance to jump on a race. Last year in March I ran an altitude 16:46 on a slightly long course; this March I want to get that comfortably under 16:30. If I can get there by March, I should feel confident going into the key months of April and May.

In other news, registrations for Quad Rock are bouncing along. At this point we have just 30 spots left in the 25 mile race and about 100 left in the 50 mile race. It's looking like we'll be fully sold out by the end of February at this point.

Pearl Izumi is back on board as the presenting sponsor for 2013, which means high quality form-fitted tech race T shirts, PI shoes for age group winners from the new E:Motion trail line, gear discounts at packet pick-up and opportunities to test ride the new PI shoes at the April 6 training run. In addition to PI, Cornerstone Mortgage has again stepped up as a major race sponsor, allowing us to bump the cash purse to $1,400 with the opportunity for 50 mile winners to take home up to $550 (with time and CR bonuses). We also have great stuff from Smith Optics, Highgear, Ultraspire and Runners Roost to give away as age group prizes and in the raffle, while First Endurance will again be providing a gel flask for each runner, with refills on course and Ultragen recovery drink at the finish. Pateros Creek will also be providing a recovery nectar with a batch of their special '51st Mile' English Mild for the post-race BBQ, while Colorado Physical Therapy Specialists will be on site for post race PT and massage. We're also grateful to local runners Cat Speights & Justin Liddle for their support through Cat's Countryside Vet practice & Justin's dental practice. Other fun stuff to announce as we move along, but for now things are shaping up for another fun race day.

Results from Chubby Cheeks soon.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

2009 Spending/Miles

Well the results are in and the final mileage total and running costs for 2009 came in at 3,451 (~487,000 feet of elevation gain) and $2,922.5 respectively, which per mile equates to a cost of roughly 85 cents. I'm going to call that a bargain considering the enjoyment I get from the sport.

Just so we're clear - and I'm sure the fact that I've gone to the bother of keeping track of my run-related costs makes it abundantly clear - I attempt to minimize costs and reduce waste as much as possible, so I'm sure these results are not typical of your average, yet mildly obsessed runner.

A couple of things that helped reduce my costs this year:
  • I was fortunate to develop a relationship with the fine folks at Wilderness Running mid way through the season, which helped significantly in reducing my shoe costs.
  • Of the 23 races I ran, I received 5 comps from Simon at RunColo, while also gaining a competitive entry into Pikes and winning entry to Jelm Mtn by winning Pilot Hill, meaning that I only had to pay for 15 races (Twin Mtn Trudge was, and remains for 2010, free to all).
  • Unless I am traveling to far-flung races with my family, accommodation costs are cut from the equation as I will either camp or sleep in the back of the truck. I could certainly drive a more fuel efficient car, or endeavor to carpool more, so there is money wasted there (not to mention the environmental cost).
  • I don't eat gels or any other type of race-fuel product in training, thereby reducing those costs significantly.
  • I tend to avoid too much travel, but do enjoy getting out of the state to run every now and then.
  • Finally, I am decidedly disinterested in spending money on running gear, gadgets and clothing. The treadmill purchase was my wife's decision (for her use), although I included it as a cost as I have used it a bit. But beyond that gear costs were limited to $100 worth of watch and sunglasses. All my running clothing is either from races, bummed from my wife, found (gloves especially), won or being stretched to the outer limits of raggidiness.
While the whole bookkeeping exercise has now been drawn to a close, I expect my costs to be similar or less for 2010.

Where'd It All Go?

Race Registrations: $851
Car Miles (gas only): $630
Gear: $398 (Treadmill, sunglasses, watch)
Air miles: $275
Accommodation: $262
Shoes: $216
Travel Food & Beverages (beer and coffee): $260
Misc: $75
Parks Pass: $65
Medical: $60
Run Fuel: $50
Race Winnings: ($200)

And for the record:

December Spending

Dec 4 - Christmas Classic registration - $15
Dec 12 - To race - $5
Dec 17 - To Running Club Social - $5
Dec 18 - Flight to San Antonio for Bandera - $185
Dec 22 - Harrietsham entry - $8

December Totals

Spending ................ $218
Mileage .................... 331 (20,400')
Spending per mile .. $0.66

2009 Totals


Jan ......... $456
Feb ......... $284
March ...... $30
April ........ $318
May ......... $498
June ........ $366
July ......... $106
August .... $178
Sept ........ $50
Oct .......... $407.50
Nov ......... $11
Dec ......... $218
To date .... $2,922.50


Jan ................ 265 (33,000 feet)
Feb ................ 259.5 (40,350 feet)
March ........... 302 (32,050 feet)
April ............. 247.5 (31,300 feet)
May ............... 513 (67,000 feet)
June .............. 268 (46,150 feet)
July ............... 228 (50,650 feet)
August ........... 282 (56,700 feet)
September ..... 309 (39,000 feet)
October .......... 191 (12,500 feet)
November ..... 255.5 (56,700')
December....... 331 (20,400')

Total ............... 3,451 (486,600 feet)
Monthly Ave .. 288 (40,550 feet)

Spending per Mile: $0.85

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

November Spending/Miles

Cheapest month of the year, with a couple of trips in the car as the only expenses. A bit below average on the mileage front, but still a good month with some heavy climb miles (second biggest climb month of the year). I'm projected few expenses for December so I'm pretty sure my costs per mile are going to come in well below a dollar.

With YTD mileage at 3,120, the yearly total should come in at slightly over 3,300 which will easily be my biggest ever. Zero injuries has a lot to do with that. Looks like total expenses for the year will be a touch below $3k. Sounds like a lot, but considering the enjoyment I get from the sport, I'd say it's something of a bargain.

November Spending

Nov 14 - West White Pine, 60 miles - $7
Nov 26 - to town for Turkey Trot - $4


Spending ................ $11
Mileage .................... 255.5 (56,700')
Spending per mile .. $0.04

YTD Totals


Jan ......... $456
Feb ......... $284
March ...... $30
April ........ $318
May ......... $498
June ........ $366
July ......... $106
August .... $178
Sept ........ $50
Oct .......... $407.50
Nov ......... $11
To date .... $2,704.50


Jan ................ 265 (33,000 feet)
Feb ................ 259.5 (40,350 feet)
March ........... 302 (32,050 feet)
April ............. 247.5 (31,300 feet)
May ............... 513 (67,000 feet)
June .............. 268 (46,150 feet)
July ............... 228 (50,650 feet)
August ........... 282 (56,700 feet)
September ..... 309 (39,000 feet)
October .......... 191 (12,500 feet)
November ..... 255.5 (56,700')

To Date ......... 3,120.5 (466,200 feet)
Monthly Ave .. 284 (42,382 feet)

Spending per Mile: $0.87

Sunday, November 1, 2009

October Spending/Miles

Easily the lightest year of the month on the mileage front. With an expensive trip to Dublin, my average cost per mile bumped up a few digits, but at $0.94 remains below a dollar per mile. I don't foresee any major expenses over the next two months, so I should be able to keep the cost per mile below a dollar. That said, the mileage will likely be light through November, before the ratchet comes into effect in December, so the average could creep up again in November.

Miles will be well over 3,000 for the year, which is encouraging, and should end up somewhere in the 3,300-3,400 zone - easily a personal record. Despite a really light climbing month, I have so far scaled the equivalent of 14 Everests (sea to summit) this year in vertical gain.

October Spending

Oct 6 - Track and back - $3
Oct 8 - Compression shorts - $9.60
Oct 10 - 100 miles to nowhere - $11
Oct 11 - Brooks T6 Flats - $67.95
Oct 12 - Track and back - $3
Oct 19 - Track and back - $3
Oct 26 - Dublin entry - $100
Oct 26 - Lon to Dublin - $90
Oct 28 - Hotel - $40
Oct 28 - Beers, food, Dublin travel, etc - $80


Spending ................ $407.50
Mileage .................... 191 (12,500')
Spending per mile .. $2.13

YTD Totals


Jan ......... $456
Feb ......... $284
March ...... $30
April ........ $318
May ......... $498
June ........ $366
July ......... $106
August .... $178
Sept ........ $50
Oct .......... $407.50
To date .... $2,685.50


Jan ................ 265 (33,000 feet)
Feb ................ 259.5 (40,350 feet)
March ........... 302 (32,050 feet)
April ............. 247.5 (31,300 feet)
May ............... 513 (67,000 feet)
June .............. 268 (46,150 feet)
July ............... 228 (50,650 feet)
August ........... 282 (56,700 feet)
September ..... 309 (39,000 feet)
October .......... 191 (12,500 feet)

To Date ......... 2,865 (408,500 feet)
Monthly Ave .. 286.5 (40,850 feet)

Spending per Mile: $0.94

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

September Spending/Miles

Cheap month with a check from the Breck Crest marathon. Spending per mile is now solidly under a dollar. Dublin threatens to blow that out of the water.

September Spending:

1st - To/From Track - $3
6th - Breckenridge Marathon To/From - $40
6th - Breck Crest Winnings - +$150
8th - To/From Track - $3
15th - Ghost Town Registration - $105
16th - To/From Track - $3
19th - To/From Jelm - $20
22nd - To/From Track - $3
29th - To/From Track - $3
30th - Silent Trails Reg - $20


Spending .................... $50
Mileage ....................... 309 (39,000')
Spending per mile ...... $0.16

YTD Totals


Jan ......... $456
Feb ......... $284
March ...... $30
April ........ $318
May ......... $498
June ........ $366
July ......... $106
August .... $178
Sept ........ $50
To date .... $2,278


Jan ................ 265 (33,000 feet)
Feb ................ 259.5 (40,350 feet)
March ........... 302 (32,050 feet)
April ............. 247.5 (31,300 feet)
May ............... 513 (67,000 feet)
June .............. 268 (46,150 feet)
July ............... 228 (50,650 feet)
August ........... 282 (56,700 feet)
September ..... 309 (39,000 feet)

To Date ......... 2,674 (396,00 feet)
Monthly Ave .. 297 (44,000 feet)

Spending per Mile: $0.85

Monday, August 31, 2009

August Spending/Miles

August Spending:

Aug 1 - RMNP 80 miles - $8
Aug 2 - Pikes 280 miles - $13 ($20 from Carl)
Aug 4 - Track 25 miles - $2.50
Aug 11 - Track 25 miles - $2.50
Aug 14 - Pikes 280 miles - $32
Aug 15 - Food and stuff - $10
Aug 22 - Tank of gas to, from, at Leadville - $45
Aug 29 - Up to RMNP & back - $10
Aug 30 - Breckenridge Marathon reg - $55


Spending .................. $178
Mileage ...................... 282
Spending per mile ... $0.63

YTD Totals


Jan ......... $456
Feb ......... $284
March ...... $30
April ........ $318
May ......... $498
June ........ $366
July ......... $106
August .... $178
To date .... $2,228


Jan ................ 265 (33,000 feet)
Feb ................ 259.5 (40,350 feet)
March ........... 302 (32,050 feet)
April ............. 247.5 (31,300 feet)
May ............... 513 (67,000 feet)
June .............. 268 (46,150 feet)
July ............... 228 (50,650 feet)
August ........... 282 (56,700 feet)
To Date ......... 2,365 (357,00 feet)
Monthly ave .. 296 (44, 625 feet)

Spending per Mile: $0.94

Saturday, August 1, 2009

July Spending/Miles

Quiet month on the running front, and not coincidentally a low dollar month too. Mileage appears to be directly correlated to spending and vice versa. Spending per mile average on the year dips below $1 again ... just. Lowest monthly mileage of the year, but second biggest climb month. Can you say Pikes Peak. Bring It.

July Spending:

July 3 - FireKracker entry: $15
July 9 - 350 miles to Leadville & back: $35
July 9 - Dinner at Quincy's: $18
July 9 - Breakfast: $7
July 10 - Shower $3
July 11 - Coffee $2
July 13 - 25 miles to track & back - $2
July 18 - 30 miles to Loveland Classic - $3
July 20 - 25 miles to track - $3
July 26 - 20 miles to Backbone - $2
July 27 - Pikes - $16 (lunch, gas, toll road)


Spending .................. $106
Mileage ...................... 228
Spending per mile ... $0.46

YTD Totals


Jan ......... $456
Feb ......... $284
March ...... $30
April ........ $318
May ......... $498
June ........ $366
July ......... $106
To date .... $2,050


Jan ................ 265 (33,000 feet)
Feb ................ 259.5 (40,350 feet)
March ........... 302 (32,050 feet)
April ............. 247.5 (31,300 feet)
May ............... 513 (67,000 feet)
June .............. 268 (46,150 feet)
July ............... 228 (50,650 feet)
To Date ......... 2,078 (300,300 feet)
Monthly ave .. 297 (42,900 feet)

Spending per Mile: $0.99

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

June Miles/Dollars

Big dollars and lower miles edged my spending per mile for the year solidly above a dollar to $1.07. Less going on in July, so should be a cheaper month, but mileage will be down too, so average will likely stay the same.

June spending:

June 1 - Blue Sky Marathon $55
June 2 - New shoes - Vasque Aether $45
June 8 - Shoe return +$50
June 11 - Running fuel $17
June 13 - Batteries $18
June 16 - Bighorn Misc Supplies $6
June 18 - Trip gas $170
June 18 - Food, coffee $40
June 20 - +$50 second place gift card
June 21 - Hotel $115


Spending ................. $366
Miles ......................... 268
Spending per mile ... $1.37

YTD Totals


Jan ......... $456
Feb ......... $284
March ...... $30
April ........ $318
May ......... $498
June ........ $366
To date .... $1,944


Jan .......... 265 (33,000 feet)
Feb .......... 259.5 (40,350 feet)
March ....... 302 (32,050 feet)
April ....... 247.5 (31,300 feet)
May ......... 513 (67,000 feet)
June ........ 268 (46,150 feet)
To Date .. 1,855 (249,850 feet)

Spending per Mile: $1.05

Sunday, May 31, 2009

May Spending/Miles

Big miles and big dollars this month. Spending per mile dropped 1 cent to 99 cents per mile. This really is an expensive game. Maybe if I drop my mileage, I will drop my spending. I need to start winning money rather than beer to offset my costs!

May 1 - Drive to and from Buena Vista. 460 miles @ $1.85/gal = $24 (Dana's car)
May 1 - Endurolytes. $18.22
May 1 - Coffee, lunch, dinner. $50
May 1 - Traffic ticket. $44
May 1 - Cabin (2 nights). $106.8
May 2 - Firewood. $4
May 3 - Breakfast @ Golden Burro. $23
May 5 - Larimer County Parks pass. $65
May 8 - Pilot Hill, Leadville registrations $83
May 16 - Drive to Crosier 45 miles = $5
May 24 - Drive to Laramie 150 miles = $15
May 24 - Vasque Velocity. $50
May 30 - Drive to Laramie 140 miles = $10


Spending .................. $498
Miles .......................... 513
Spending per Mile ...... $0.97

YTD Totals


Jan ......... $456
Feb ......... $284
March ...... $30
April ........ $318
May ......... $498
To date .... $1,578


Jan .......... 265 (33,000 feet)
Feb .......... 259.5 (40,350 feet)
March ....... 302 (32,050 feet)
April ....... 247.5 (31,300 feet)
May ......... 513 (67,000 feet)
To Date .. 1,587 (203,700 feet)

Spending per Mile: $0.99

Friday, May 1, 2009

April Miles and Dollars

Broke the thousand mark on both miles and dollars in April. Currently spending one dollar for every mile I run - sounds a bit pricey.

April 16 - Gels - $5.69
April 17 - Drive to Fruita and back. 700 miles @ $1.90/gal = $63
April 17 - Olive Garden (Fruita) - $15
April 17 - New Sunglasses - $20
April 18 - Breakfast (Fruita) - $4
April 18 - Pablo's Pizza (Fruita) - $10
April 20 - Big Horn entry - $200


Spending .................. $318
Miles ........................ 247.5
Spending per Mile ... $1.28

YTD Totals


Jan ......... $456
Feb ......... $284
March ...... $30
April ........ $318
To date .... $1,080


Jan .......... 265 (33,000 feet)
Feb .......... 259.5 (40,350 feet)
March ....... 302 (32,050 feet)
April ....... 247.5 (31,300 feet)
To Date .. 1,074 (136,700 feet)

Spending per Mile: $1.00

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

March Spending/Miles

The month of March was a higher-mileage, low-dollar month. Perfect!

March 7 - Drive to RMNP & back. 60 miles @ $1.70/gal = $5
March 12 - Gels. $5
March 14 - Drive to Salida & back. 450 miles @ 1.70/gal = $18 ($38 (Chad pitched in $20)).
March 20 - Drive to Conoco & back. 20 miles = $2


Total Spending ........ $30
Total Miles .............. 302 (32,000 feet of vertical)
Spending per Mile ... $0.1

That's the kind of dollar number a minimalist sport should be costing.

YTD Totals


Jan ......... $456
Feb ......... $284
March ...... $30
To date .... $770


Jan .......... 265 (33,000 feet)
Feb .......... 259.5 (40,350 feet)
March ....... 302 (32,050 feet)
To Date ..... 826.5 (105,400 feet)

Spending per Mile: $0.93

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Feb spending

Looks like the early season is proving to be a bit more expensive than I expected. Just trying to do my bit for the running sector of the economy.

Feb 6 - New altimeter watch (Highgear Axis). $73. I finally caved and got myself a techno-watch. Tired of trying to figure out vertical gain from maps, I had been wanting an altimeter watch for a while. The Axis not only provides elevation readings based on barometric pressure, but also gives accumulated gain over a run, in addition to other features such as a compass, thermometer, barometric gauge, weather forecast and 100-lap chrono. Oh, and it tells the time and has an alarm too. Got it new off ebay for less than half the retail price of $150.
Feb 7 - 50 miles to Bobcat Ridge via Stove Prairie @ $1.7 per gallon = $4.
Feb 10 - Chiropractor visit. $30 copay.
Feb 16 - Chiropractor visit. $30 copay. Felt good after the readjustments, but the chiropractor wanted me to sign up for a three-month program of treatments with the purchase of almost $300 in exercise equipment on top. Took a pass. There's a full-blown recession on, man!
Feb 19 - Salida Marathon Reg. $40
Feb 20 - Picked up at Devil's Backbone. 20 miles = $1.50
Feb 21 - Asics Kahana II from Sports Authority. $52. These are working out to be decent shoes with great support, although not great on technical terrain.
Feb 22 - Vasque Velocity from Wilderness Running. $51. Another heavy and supportive shoe, but much better on technical terrain than the Asics. Got these at a steal after trying the same shoe at REI for size. REI wanted $120.
Feb 28 - 35 miles to and from Vern's Place = $2.50


Car miles: $8
Race Fees: $40
Shoes: $103
Gear: $73
Doc: $60

Jan ......... $456
Feb ......... $284
To date ... $740

Monday, February 2, 2009

The Dollar Cost of a Minimalist Sport

Those who know me well would probably use the adjective 'frugal' to describe me in relation to my spending habits. Those who know me better might even use the adjectives 'tight' or 'miserly.' I prefer 'cautious,' but I guess all things are relative.

One of the many reasons I love running so much is the simplicity of it versus other gear-dependent sports such as climbing or biking. An avid climber or cyclist can expect to fork out serious dough on equipment and repairs annually. The runner, by contrast, needs a few pairs of shoes, socks, shorts, T-shirts and sundry cold-weather gear to get through the year.

However, runners, like humans more broadly, do come in many shapes, sizes and flavors. There are certainly products and races out there that can do serious damage to the pocket book. The cost of running Badwater, for example, when all the supplies, fuel, crew costs, hotels, rental cars, sauna fees, training trips, ice, etc are factored in can be as much as $10,000.

If you're into gadgets, then there are plenty of GPS-type devices on the market that can run you $300-$500.

I tend to forgo overly expensive races, and simply don't feel the need to spend money on gadgets that, to me, are of marginal utility especially as relates to performance.

Running minimalists such as myself subsist on clothing schwag from previously run races, while also maxing out the mileage on their shoes way beyond the (Runner's World-/manufacturer-) recommended 350-500 miles. My buddy Felix would be a good example of the shoe-stretching runner.

Personally, I haven't bought an item of running clothing, except for a $4 pair of gloves from Big Lots, in over two years, while I bought a grand total of two pairs of running shoes last year (both on clearance) and won a couple more pairs. Socks, T-shirts and hats come courtesy of race giveaways, while shorts last forever. I am currently subsisting on trail shoes from last year and reusing previously retired road shoes, although I will have to bite the bullet soon and pick up a new pair. I wear my wife's jogging pants for leg warmth through the winter (it's a good look!) and don't actually own my own pair.

Shoes are Expensive

Despite my best efforts, however, the outgoing-dollar total racks up quickly when one considers travel to and from races/trailheads, race entry fees, and other miscellaneous expenses. It definitely ranks as my biggest annual discretionary expense, but to the tune of how much? I intend to find the answer to that question by keeping a monthly log of run-related expenses, and to then assess whether I am getting value for money (although I already now the answer to that question).

For the sake of simplicity with regards to car miles, I am calculating just fuel costs, and not other factors such as insurance, depreciation, and wear and tear. The IRS calculated all those costs combined at 50.5 cents per mile in the first half of last year and at 58.5 for the second half.

For the Month of January:

Jan 10 - To Round Mountain & back (45 miles).
Jan 17 - To Wyoming for Twin Mountain Trudge (165 miles). $5 donation to race $4 on food for race.
Jan 22 - Treadmill ($277).
Jan 31 - To Conoco to meet Chad (20 miles).
Jan early race entries - Collegiate Peaks ($65), Fruita ($65), Crazy Legs ($20).


Running-related car miles (230 miles @20 mpg & 1.70 per gal) = $20.
Race fees = $150
Gear = $277
Food and race prep = $9

Total = $456

Thursday, January 29, 2009

The Hamster Wheel

Now is not the time for discretionary spending, or so I'm told on a daily basis by myriad of talking heads on TV. Well, last weekend we chose to be contrarians and made our first non-essential 'stuff' purchase of the year: a treadmill. And this was not my doing.

For whatever reason, Dana hates running outside, but she wants to workout without the hassle of driving to the gym. Considering the limited time she has during the week, with her daily commute to Denver, I don't blame her.

My typical reaction to dropping in excess of three digits on non-essential 'stuff' (outright opposition) was assuaged by the fact that a new (cheap) treadmill works out to be more affordable than an annual gym membership, and it saves me from wimping out or suffering through runs on really brutal winter weather days.

So it was that we found ourselves touring big-box stores in search of an affordable piece of equipment. Thankfully, we only needed to tour two of these consumer castles before settling on our model: a Weslo something or other.

It has already found a home downstairs in the guest bedroom, and after taking it for a six-mile spin yesterday I have decided that it works just fine, but the view is good for a few minutes only.

I fear I will have to set up some kind of diversion (read: TV) to relieve the Boredom of the Treadmill, if I'm going to use it on a regular basis. Fortunately, people are ditching TVs at a rate of knots as they prepare for the forced switch to digital. This means cheap or free TVs by the boatload on Craigslist. Stack up a good movie or two, plug the TV into the DVD machine and you're good for hours.

As much as I hate running on these hamster wheels, they do offer comfort from arctic temperatures, while also allowing for structured workouts. We'll see how much use it gets, but hopefully it will get at least $277 worth before it packs up and dies, as all electronic devices are destined to do sooner or later.