Tues - 4 mile (500') tester run at Reservoir Ridge with FCTR. Foot felt decent, if not great.
Weds - 8 miles (1,700'). Horsetooth/Audra route. Foot felt much better, but the whole run felt a little bit too much like hard work, as if I've lost some fitness.
Thurs - 8.5 miles (2,100'). Horsetooth/Audra with extra up on Southridge and Hilltop added. Felt like hard work again, but got easier as the run progressed. Foot was hardly noticeable, which is a huge relief. Felt the achilles a bit though.
Fri - 8.5 miles (2,100'). As yesterday. Things felt a little more fluid, but still like I'm missing a step and a lung.
Sat - 10.5 miles (2,000'). Twin Mountain Trudge.
Sun - 17.5 miles (1,200') easy with Eric B, who informed me that the Mountain Lion his wife had tagged as part of a Wildlife Service project had been shot somewhere near Laporte a couple of weeks back - just north of town - and then dumped off the side of the road in Evergreen. Seemingly someone shot the cat and then decided they needed to dispose of the evidence far away.
Couple of miles hiking with Alistair to Horsetooth Falls in the afternoon.
January: 252 miles (33,700)
Legs feel like they did significantly more than 53 miles this week, which tells me I'm far from recovered from the Bandera/Ghost Town double. Not really sure where to go from here. Two weeks until yet another long race, which looks like it's going to be fast - a concept that feels pretty foreign to me right now.
I definitely feel like I need to be training more and racing way less. After Moab, things calm down significantly, so hopefully I'll be able to get into a better rhythm with the whole training thing. I'm also beginning to think it might be an idea to skip Moab altogether and figure on getting some consistency going. Guess I'll see how the week goes and then make the call on race/no race.
So will you train through RedHot then or taper it up? Although this sort of reads that it might be a little of both out of necessity.
ReplyDeleteGeorge - Guess I'll try and get a solid week of easy paced miles in this week and see how I feel come Sunday. I'm feeling a bit run down right now, but that might have something to do with a cold I'm dealing with.
ReplyDeleteI know how fast you are and have followed your foot for the past couple weeks. If you want to have all your reserves at WS I suggest you bail on Moab or run it truly as a steady training run and not as a race. At this point with five months to go you clearly have the tempo you just need to log the miles and any setback 3-4 months out can have a profound impact at the Big Dance. My 2 cents.